Updated 18/05/2021
Shoppegram is an e-commerce platform that provides technology and tools for sellers to build online stores (e-commerce) to sell products and services on their own e-commerce website.
However, in the online world that is open with these ideas and products, there are some activities that are not in line with Shoppegram's mission and vision to make the world of e-commerce the best medium for the process of buying and selling automatically and with guaranteed security.
This is the Acceptance of Shoppegram Use policy to explain the activities that are prohibited from using Shoppegram based on Shoppegram policy.
Here is a list of activities that are strictly prohibited on the Shoppegram platform:
Any content/product/service in the form of writing, video, sound and graphics that aims to insult, humiliate, embarrass, mock something is strictly forbidden to be placed on the user's e-commerce website.
Subject to all forms of activities - activities that are prohibited under Malaysian law are strictly prohibited from being posted in all forms including graphics, writing, video and voice on the user's ecommerce website.
Misuse of Intellectual Property that has been legally determined by accredited organizations in Malaysia and International. Users are not allowed to promote or sell any products or services that have registered Intellectual Property without obtaining any written permission that has been verified from the owner of the Intellectual Property.
Shoppegram strictly prohibits the involvement of terrorist organizations to use this platform for any activities of propaganda, fundraising, information, sale of services or products and others.
Any teachings that have been fatwad as misguided and deviant by the Malaysian Islamic Council and Department are not permitted at all to use the Shoppegram platform for any purpose including promoting products/services, fundraising, spreading dakyah, and others.
Users are prohibited from promoting or placing dangerous products/services as outlined in Malaysian law.
Every buyer data shared by Shoppegram to users is only for follow-up and marketing purposes for products/services provided by users.
It is strictly forbidden to use the data outside of this framework by sending various messages that are not related to the user's online store. Users are also prohibited from selling or sharing buyer data to other parties for any purpose.
Any products/services that are physically or digitally stolen are absolutely not allowed to be included in the user's online store for the purpose of profiting from the stolen proceeds.
Products and all forms of obscene graphics, words, videos and sounds are not allowed to be displayed in the online store regardless of whether it is for the purpose of selling or for the purpose of disseminating information.
For MLM, Pyramid Schemes can only sell products but are not allowed to promote registration without buying products. For ponzi schemes, it is strictly forbidden to use the Shoppegram platform as a medium for promoting, advertising and others.
It is not allowed to place products/services related to gambling activities or similar activities including any contest activities that are classified as gambling as outlined by all Islamic Religious Councils in Malaysia.
We at Shoppegram reserve the right to remove content, close and suspend Shoppegram subscriptions for users who violate the guidelines set out above without any notice at any time.
Shoppegram reserves the right to monitor and investigate all materials entered into the user's ecommerce website at any time subject to the Usage Acceptance Policy (UAP) and Shoppegram Terms of Services (ToS) or any agreement between the user and Shoppegram.
All determinations regarding violations of this policy are final, and any actions or omissions imposed for violations of this policy are at our sole discretion.
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